You can distinguish the difference between a sprain and a fracture depending on the physical pain that you feel. A sprain refers to stretched or torn tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels around a joint and can be caused by an accident, fall, or blow. A fracture, on the other hand, is a break or crack in a bone that can be caused by the same types of injuries, but instead, you might hear a snapping sound as a bone breaking. Here at Health 1st Chiropractic and Rehabilitation, no matter what type of injury you have, our staff is here to treat it.
Sprains are defined by the kind of tissue –bone, ligament, or tendon – that’s damaged. Meanwhile, a fracture describes a break in one or more of the bones. Injuries are the most common causes of foot and ankle sprains and fractures. Many fractures and sprains occur during sports, which is why warming up prior to physical activity can prevent ankle sprains and fractures and so can wearing proper shoes.
If you’ve recently suffered an injury, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To schedule an appointment in any of our Triad locations including our Greensboro, NC office, call us at 336-543-2231 or visit the Health First Chiropractic and Rehabilitation website,