Many people understand that their brain controls and coordinates the body. They may not understand that the brain is part of a complex system better known as the nervous system. The nervous system is a complex network of nerves and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body. You can divide the nervous system into different parts better known as the central and peripheral nervous system. The Central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord and The Peripheral nervous system is made up of the Somatic and the Autonomic nervous systems. At the most basic level, the function of the nervous system is to send signals from one cell to other cells, or from one part of the body to other parts. This in a nutshell is the premise behind one of the largest health care fields on the planet. Chiropractic health care looks at the functioning of the nervous system and chiropractic is a complete system of healthcare focused on restoring, preserving, and optimizing health by natural hands-on care. A basic philosophy of chiropractic is that the body naturally seeks the proper balance among all the systems of the body, and that these systems are meant to work together. When the systems are out of balance or there are errors in communication, then the body begins to break down and a variety of symptoms can ensue. Although chiropractors don’t treat body symptoms, a vast majority of patients notice significant changes in their overall health as a result of chiropractic care. Since chiropractors focus on the nervous system and the nervous system coordinates all other systems it only goes to reason that if the nervous systems is working properly – there is a better chance for the rest of the systems to be working better as well.
Throughout the Triad, Health 1st has been dedicated to helping restore the nervous system function of thousands of patients. If you or your family are looking for a chiropractor in High Point, Greensboro, Burlington or Winston Salem, then Health 1st is for you. Find out if your nervous system is performing at it’s optimal level – we can help!
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